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While the allure of purchasing a branded condominium may be tempting, most buyers are not aware that the brand name pedigree they have purchased into is merely on lease to the association, subject to terms and conditions that often leave purchasers with fewer rights than obligations.

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According to a recent report, Miami continues to show strong trends regarding flight-to-quality as both new-to-market and existing tenants seek new Class A and Trophy product space.

The property consists of 0.86 acres with T6-80-0 zoning allowing a tremendous development opportunity for up to 800 residential units and 120 hotel rooms.

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The city’s Urban Development Review Board approved plans for Miami Worldcenter Block C, located on the 0.68-acre site at 155 N.E. 10th St., on March 20.

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The 1,049-foot building will be the tallest in Miami.