A CBRE study has found that a variety of different work spaces in an office can stimulate its workers and improve their productivity.

When a company offers multiple types of work spaces, the study found, satisfaction levels increase 10 to 15 percent.

As a result, companies are creating more thoughtful workplace strategies and are implementing open and private work spaces to cater to how employees are actually working.

The CBRE also concluded that in an increasingly virtual world, employees have a stronger sense of community and value the opportunity to connect face to face. Companies are therefore trying to create more transparent environments where people can see each other work.

According to the study, employees also prefer a mix of work environments. About 52 percent wants a mix of working at home and in an office. About 41 percent prefers to work mainly from one office. Only 7 percent of Millennials prefers to mostly work from home.


Source: The Real Deal