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According to recently released Census data, between July 2022 and July 2023, Miami’s population increased by 1.3% making it the tenth fastest growing big city (defined as a population above 250,000).

Americans continue to pour into Florida at a rapid rate, according to newly released Census data.

From July 1, 2017, to July 1, 2018 Florida had net domestic migration of 132,602. The level of domestic growth was higher than any other state in the U.S. Since 2010, Florida has gained a total of 1,160,387 people from net domestic migration

For overall numeric growth (including birth and deaths along with international migration), Florida ranked second with 322,513 new residents for the year. Only Texas ranked higher with 379,128 new residents.

New York was the biggest loser for the year with a net population loss of 48,510.

Overall, Florida now has a population of 21,299,325 – third highest in the U.S.


Source: The Next Miami